Team 1 - Spoelhofs
Bauru Field Council
We are Bill and Sue Spoelhof.
The Lord called us into missions years ago. Sue during a missions conference at her church, and Bill through a year of short term service in the country of Bangladesh. Together He directed us to Brazil.
With only a temporary visa and thirteen boxes, we arrived in Brazil, in 1979, with our four year old son Joel. Our daughter Natali was born six weeks after our arrival. The following year, shortly after Sue finished language training, our son Aaron was born. We studied Portuguese and taught at the Pan American Christian Academy in São Paulo until our permanent visa into the country was granted.
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Once we received the proper documentation, we moved up to the Amazon jungle. There we learned to be flexible in mission work and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit leading us, starting an MK school in the town of Santo Antonio do Içá where ABWE has a hospital site, along with church work, children's work, teacher training, home Bible studies and even hospital administration. After a time Bill was invited to teach at the Amazonas Baptist Seminary in the city of Manaus. We served in the Amazon for nearly eight years.
Returning to the city of São Paulo in south Brazil, Bill continued with education at Bible College level, and became the dean of the Baptist Seminary in São Paulo. Sue served as librarian at the Pan American Christian Academy, while our children finished their education at that school. We were also involved in church planting work on weekends first with Calvary Baptist and Grajaú Baptist churches and in later years there with Faith Baptist church.
Our children all live in the states now. Natali and Aaron are living in California - Natali studying Psychology in San Luis Obispo, and Aaron in San Diego taking a Emergency Medical Training course with plans to work in fire prevention. Joel continues with his job in Grand Rapids and taking courses toward his masters degree.
After twenty-one years of service, we prayerfully considered the invitation to help open a new ministry for ABWE in the city of Bauru, and are now involved in a new project called Alfa Center. On Sundays, there are morning services in English (led by our colleagues Blazers and Smallmans) and evening services in Portuguese (led by the Brandas and ourselves). During the week, Sue is responsible for English as a Second Language classes which are offered there. She heads up the children's programs at the Alfa Center as well. We are also involved with university and home Bible studies during the week.

  • Born in 1947 and reared in a Christian home in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
  • Received Christ as Savior at age seven during an evangelistic conference at Wealthy Street Baptist Church in Grand Rapids.
  • Schooling: elementary and high school training in Grand Rapids Christian Schools
  • Undergraduate Degree: Bachelor of Science - Education from Geneva College, 1969
  • Graduate Degrees: Master of Arts - Education from Westminster College, 1972
  • Master of Religious Education from Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, 1978
  • Ordination: Wealthy Street Baptist Church, 1979


  • Born in 1949 and reared in a Christian home in Allendale, Michigan.
  • Received Christ as Savior at age thirteen at home.
  • Schooling: elementary and high school training in Allendale and Hudsonville Christian Schools
  • Undergraduate Studies: Grand Rapids Baptist College, 1975-77
  • Correspondence Courses through Moody Bible Institute


Bill and Sue were married in 1973. They have three children:

  • Joel (born in 1975) who is in a management training program at Great Lakes Fastners, GrandRapids, Michigan
  • Natali (born in 1979) who is in her third year of studies, majoring in Psychology, at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • Aaron (born in 1980) who is working full-time.

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